Guild Rules

Discord & VC

Bank Etiquette & Rules

Trials Rules

Incident Report

If possible, please take a screenshot of the interaction you are reporting (Print Screen on the keyboard should do this from game (somtimes its only PrtSc for space). This will save to a file in your ESO folder (from your Documents folder -> Elder Scrolls Online -> live -> Screenshots). Then via discord you can send that and any additional information you'd like to provide to @siomahh, @FantomBlu, or any Senior Officer.

In Windows the Print Screen button will also take a screenshot, but will NOT save it toa file. You can open Paint and from the menu choose "Paste", then save and continue as above. You can frequently also go straight to discord, open a DM to a Guild Leader or Officer, then right-click and select paste to put the image directly into the DM.

On mac I believe it is command-4 (curly-box is command). That will save to your desktop, and then the same process will apply as an ESO screenshot